IIT&FM Research Center

Center for the advancement of research on information integration theory and functional measurement

Proceedings of the Third International Conference
on Information Integration Theory and Functional Measurement

Fruchart, E., & Carton, A.
How do amateur soccer referees destabilize a match?

Fruchart, E., & Mullet, E.
Factors involved in the intent to move from one team to another among handball players

Hofmans, J.
Individual differences in equity models

Hommers, W., Lewand M., & Ehrmann, D.
Testing the moral algebra of two Kohlbergian informers

López-López, W., Pineda Marín, C., Murcia León, M. C., Perilla Garzón, D. C., & Mullet, E.
Colombian lay people’s willingness to forgive different actors of the armed conflict: Results from a pilot study

Mairesse, O., Macharis, C., Lebeau, K., & Turcksin, L.
Understanding the attitude-action gap: Functional integration of environmental aspects in car purchase intentions

Mairesse, O., Neu, D., Migeott, P.-F., Pattyn, N., Hofmans, J., Theuns, P., Cluydts, R., & De Valck, E.
Judgment of daytime sleepiness in self-reported short, long and midrange sleepers

Mullet, E., Morales Martinez, G. E., Makris, I., Rogé, B., & Muñoz Sastre, M. T.
Functional measurement: An incredibly flexible tool

Mullet, E., Sorum, P. C., Teysseire, N., Nann, S., Morales Martinez, G. E., Ahmed, R., Kamble, S., Olivari, C., & Muñoz Sastre, M. T.
Functional measurement in the field of empirical bioethics

Noventa, S., Massidda, D., & Vidotto, G.
Is there a need for more than three models?

Schlottmann, A., Harman, R. M., & Paine, J.
Averaging and adding in children’s worth judgements

Theuns, P., Baran B., Van Vaerenbergh, R., Hellenbosch, G., & Tiliouine, H.
A cross-cultural experimental approach to the contribution of health, religion and personal relations to subjective satisfaction with life as a whole

Van Acker, F., & Bakker, E.
A functional assessment of the impact of advantages and disadvantages on breastfeeding attitude

Vicovaro, M.
Intuitive physics of collision effects on simulated spheres differing in size, velocity, and material

Vidotto, G., Massidda, D., Noventa, S., & Vicentini, M.
Trusting beliefs: A functional measurement study

Viegas, R. G., Oliveira, A. M., Garriga-Trillo, A., & Grieco, A.
A functional model for the integration of gains and losses under risk: Implications for the measurement of subjective value

Weiss, D. J.
The use of Factorial Forecasting to predict public response

Yang, J.-S.
Cultural generality of the integration of obligation and other motives