IIT&FM Research Center

Center for the advancement of research on information integration theory and functional measurement


  3. MASIN


— FRUCHART, E., & CARTON, A. (2012). How do amateur soccer referees destabilize a match? Psicológica, 33, 435–449.
— FRUCHART, E., & MULLET, E. (2012). Factors involved in the intent to move from one team to another among handball players. Psicológica, 33, 425–434.
— FRUCHART, E., PÂQUES, P., & MULLET, E. (2010). Decision-making in basketball and handball games: A developmental perspective. European Review of Applied Psychology, 60, 27–34.
— FRUCHART, E., RABERIN, A., & DURAND, F. (2018). Effect of hypoxia on capacities of integration information. Universitas Psychologica, 17(4), 1–8.
— FRUCHART, E., & RULENCE-PÂQUES, P. (2014). Condoning aggressive behaviour in sport: A comparison between professional handball players, amateur players, and lay people. Psicológica, 35, 585–600.
— FRUCHART, E., & RULENCE-PÂQUES, P. (2016). Condoning aggressive behaviour in sport: A cross-sectional research in few consecutive age categories. Journal of Moral Education, 45, 87–103.
— FRUCHART, E., & RULENCE-PÂQUES, P. (2016). Mapping handball players’ reactions to aggression during a sporting event. Universitas Psychologica, 15(3), 1–6.
— FRUCHART, E., & RULENCE-PÂQUES, P. (2018). Juger la pertinence de la régulation des comportements déviants en Éducation Physique et Sportive: une comparaison entre enseignants titulaires et stagiaires. Movement & Sport Sciences, 180002s, 1–13.
— FRUCHART, E., & RULENCE-PÂQUES, P. (2019). Arousal and satisfaction during mountain rambling: Comparing non-athletes’, mountain athletes’ and non-mountain athletes’ views. Universitas Psychologica, 18(2), 1–5.
— FRUCHART, E., & RULENCE-PÂQUES, P. (2020). Mapping judgment of well-being in sport. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. Published online: 04 Feb 2020.
— FRUCHART, E., RULENCE-PÂQUES, P., & CANTISANO, N. (2020). Mapping ethical positions with regard to a coach’s decision to select (or not) an injured athlete. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 15, 467–480.
— FRUCHART, E., RULENCE-PÂQUES, P., & MULLET, E. (2007). Ecological validity test of laboratory studies on information integration. Teorie & Modelli, 12(1-2), 281–288.
— FRUCHART, E., RULENCE-PÂQUES, P., & MULLET, E. (2019). Mapping adults’ and young athletes’ views regarding how acceptable it is to use a nutritional supplement in sport. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 17, 477–492.
— RULENCE-PÂQUES, P., FRUCHART, E., DRU, V., & MULLET, E. (2005). Cognitive algebra in sport decision-making. Theory and Decision, 58, 387–406.
— RULENCE-PÂQUES, P., FRUCHART, E., DRU, V., & MULLET, E. (2005). Decision-making in soccer game: A developmental perspective. European Review of Applied Psychology, 55, 131–136.


— KPANAKE, L., ADJIWANOU, V., SORUM, P. C., & MULLET, E. (2020). Perspectives on non-clinical health care workers’ moral obligation to report for work during virulent epidemics: An exploration in Guinea. Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, 25, 115–121.
— KPANAKE, L., DASSA, S. K., & MULLET, E. (2013). Willingness to seek Malaria treatment among Togolese people. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 18, 30–36.
— KPANAKE, L., DOUNAMOU, T., SORUM, P. C., & MULLET, E. (2019). What motivates individuals to volunteer in Ebola epidemic response? Human Resources for Health (doi.org/10.1186/s12960-019-0409-x).
— KPANAKE, L., GBANDEY, S., SORUM, P. C., & MULLET, E. (2018). Acceptability of vaccination against HIV: A mapping of Togolese people’s positions. Journal of Health Psychology, 23, 800–806.
— KPANAKE, L., LENO, J.-P., SORUM, P. C., & MULLET, E. (2019). Acceptability of community quarantine in contexts of communicable disease epidemics: Perspectives of literate lay people living in Conakry, Guinea. Epidemiology and Infection (doi.org/10.1017/S0950268819001419).
— KPANAKE, L., & MULLET, E. (2020). Éthique des soins – Perspectives Africaines. Paris: Complicités.
— KPANAKE, L., PINEDA MARÍN, C., PAJOT, E., MUÑOZ SASTRE, M. T., & MULLET, E. (2021). Medición funcional en el dominio de la ética empírica. Avances en Psicología Latinoamericana, 39(3), 1–16.
— KPANAKE, L., PATASSI, A., & MULLET, E. (2013). Criminal prosecution of a male partner for sexual transmission of infectious diseases: The views of educated people living in Togo. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 89, 290–294.
— KPANAKE, L., RONALD, J.-J., SORUM, P. C., & MULLET, E. (2018). Haitian people’s expectations regarding post-disaster humanitarian aid team’s actions. Developing World Bioethics, 18, 385–393.
— KPANAKE, L., SORUM, P. C., & MULLET, E. (2016). Breaking bad news to Togolese patients. Health Communication, 31, 1311–1317.
— KPANAKE, L., SORUM, P. C., & MULLET, E. (2016). The potential acceptability of infant vaccination against malaria: A mapping of parental positions in Togo. Vaccine, 34, 408–412.
— KPANAKE, L., SORUM, P. C., & MULLET, E. (2018). Disclosing fathers’ HIV infection to their sons in Togo. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 27, 3618–3626.
— KPANAKE, L., SORUM, P. C., & MULLET, E. (2018). Willingness to get vaccinated against Ebola: A mapping of Guinean people positions. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 14, 2391–2396.
— KPANAKE, L., TONGUINO, T. K., SORUM, P. C., & MULLET, E. (2018). Duty to provide care to Ebola patients: The perspectives of Guinean lay people and healthcare providers. Journal of Medical Ethics, 44, 599–605.


— COCCO, A., & MASIN, S. C. (2010). The law of elasticity. Psicológica, 31, 647–657.
— MASIN, S. C. (2003). On the determinants of surface brightness. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 10, 220–223.
— MASIN, S. C. (2007). Functional measurement in physics. Teorie & Modelli, 12(1-2), 277–280.
— MASIN, S. C. (2007). Note on development of perception of size. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 105, 788–794.
— MASIN, S. C. (2011). Information integration study of Metelli’s and Morinaga’s theories of achromatic transparency. Japanese Psychological Research, 53, 271–280.
— MASIN, S. C. (2013). On the ability to directly evaluate sensory ratios. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 75, 194–204.
— MASIN, S. C. (2014). Test of the ratio judgment hypothesis. Journal of General Psychology, 141, 130–150.
— MASIN, S. C. (2016). The cognitive and perceptual laws of the inclined plane. American Journal of Psychology, 129, 221–234.
— MASIN, S. C. (2022). Evidence that numerical estimates of subjective ratios may be numerical ratings of subjective differences. Psicológica, 43, e14568.
— MASIN, S. C. (2022). Old and new views on ratio judgment. In G. R. Patching (Ed.), Proceedings of the thirty-eight annual meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics (pp. 61–66). Lund, Sweden: International Society for Psychophysics.
— MASIN, S. C., & BRANCACCIO, A. (2017). Judgments of differences and ratios of subjective heaviness. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 79, 1860–1869.
— MASIN, S. C., BRANCACCIO, A., & TOMASSETTI, A. (2019). Tests of the abilities to judge ratios of extensive and intensive sensory magnitudes. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 81, 2102–2119.
— MASIN, S. C., & BUSETTO, M. (2010). Tests of rating models. Psicológica, 31, 509–527.
— MASIN, S. C., CRIVELLARO, F., & VAROTTO, D. (2014). The intuitive physics of the equilibrium of the lever and of the hydraulic pressures: Implications for the teaching of elementary physics. Psicológica, 35, 441–461.
— MASIN, S. C., & RISPOLI, S. (2010). The intuitive law of buoyancy. In A. Bastianelli & G. Vidotto (Eds.), Proceedings of the twenty-sixth annual meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics (pp. 315–320). Padua, Italy: International Society for Psychophysics.
— MASIN, S. C., & VICOVARO, M. (2023). Sources of uncertainty in functional measurement methodology. Quality & Quantity, 57, 1185–1205.
— MASIN, S. C., WEISS, D. J., & BRANCACCIO, A. (2021). Further evidence of the invalidity of the magnitude estimation method. European Review of Applied Psychology, 71, 100649.


— AHMED, R. A., GUEDJ, M., & MULLET, E. (2016). Is it acceptable for a physician to break confidentiality in the case of sexually transmitted diseases? A mapping of young Kuwaiti’s views. European Review of Applied Psychology, 71, 100648.
— CAMUS, J., LHERMITE, A., MUÑOZ SASTRE, M. T., SORUM, P. C., & MULLET, E. (2016). Addictive substances, users’ health, and the Government’s perceived responsibility: French people’s perspective. Social Indicators Research, 128, 1011–1027.
— CANO ROMERO, M. D., MUÑOZ SASTRE, M. T., SORUM, P. C., & MULLET, E. (2022). Positions of French nurses regarding the use of hypnotherapy to relieve pain in post-operative settings. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 70, 68–82.
— CANTISANO, N., FERRAUD, V., MUÑOZ SASTRE, M. T., & MULLET, E. (2018). Lay people’s conceptualizations regarding what determines fear of death. Current Psychology, 39, 2262–2268.
— CASTANIÉ, S., MUÑOZ SASTRE, M. T., KPANAKE, L., & MULLET, E. (2020). Mapping and comparing French people’s positions regarding restrictive control policies: A pilot study. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy (doi.org/10.1186/s13011-020-00267-5).
— CRETENET, J., MULLET, E., & DRU, V. (2015). Motor and cognitive integration: Effect of bilateral behaviors on judgment. Acta Psychologica, 161, 64–72.
— DEL RIO FORERO, D., PINEDA MARIN, C., MUÑOZ SASTRE, M. T., KPANAKE, L., & MULLET, E. (2021). Mapping Colombians’ positions on sentencing for substance offenses. Substance Abuse, Treatment, Prevention and Policy, in press.
— FRAUX, C., MUÑOZ SASTRE, M. T., KPANAKE, L., SORUM, P. C., & MULLET, E. (2021). French people’s views regarding xenotransplantation. Transplantation Proceedings, 53, 529–538.
— FRAUX, C., MUÑOZ SASTRE, & MULLET, E. (2021). Mapping people’s positions regarding the acceptability of somatic gene therapy. European Review of Applied Psychology, 71, 100688>
— GIRARD, M., MUÑOZ SASTRE, M. T., & MULLET, E. (2019). Mapping French people’s views regarding sexual assistance to people with physical disabilities. Sexuality and Disability, 37, 109–121.
— GUEDJ, M., MULLET, E., & CAMBON-THOMPSEN, A. (2016). Judging health risk as a function of risk factors and type of illness: Do people weight risk factors in a flexible way? Journal of Health Psychology, 21, 832–843.
— KAMBLE, S., & MULLET, E. (2016). A mapping of young Hindu’s views on the appropriateness of the death penalty as a function of circumstances of crime. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 44, 14–25.
— KAMBLE, S., MUÑOZ SASTRE, M. T., KPANAKE, L., SORUM, P. C. & MULLET, E. (2022). Young Indians’ willingness to make a living organ donation. Transplantation Proceedings, 54, 587–592.
— LÓPEZ LÓPEZ, W., PINEDA MARÍN, C., SORUM, P. C., & MULLET, E. (2016). Prohibition, regulation or free market: A mapping of Colombian people’s perspectives regarding national drug policies. Social Indicators Research, 126, 689–710.
— LÓPEZ LÓPEZ, W., ROA BOCAREJO, M. A., ROA PERALTA, D., PINEDA MARÍN, C., & MULLET, E. (2017). Mapping Colombian citizens’ views regarding ordinary corruption: Threat, bribery, and the illicit sharing of confidential information. Social Indicators Research, 133, 259–273.
— LÓPEZ LÓPEZ, W., SANDOVAL ALVARADO, G., RODRÍGUEZ, S., RUIZ, C., DAVID LEÓN, J., PINEDA MARÍN, C., & MULLET, E. (2018). Forgiving former perpetrators of violence and reintegrating them into Colombian civil society: Non-combatant citizens’ positions. Peace & Conflict, 24, 201–215.
— MAZOYER, J., MUÑOZ SASTRE, M. T., SORUM, P. C., & MULLET, E. (2017). Mapping French people and health professionals’ positions regarding the circumstances of morphine use to relieve cancer pain. Supportive Care in Cancer, 25, 2723–2731.
— MORALES, G. E., LOPEZ, E. O., CASTRO, C., CHARLES, D., MEZQUITA, Y. N., & MULLET, E. (2015). Conceptualization of love among adults with Down’s syndrome. Sexuality & Disability, 33, 339–348.
— MORALES-MARTINEZ, G. E., LOPEZ-RAMIREZ, E. O., MULLET, E. (2016). Blame judgments among people with Down Syndrome. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 41, 61–65.
— MUKASHEMA, I., & MULLET, E. (2015). Attribution of guilt to offspring of perpetrators of the genocide: Rwandan people’s perspectives. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, , 33, 75–98.
— MULLET, E., & CHASSEIGNE, G. (2018). Assessing information integration processes: A comparison of findings obtained with between-subjects designs versus within-subjects designs. Quality & Quantity, 52, 1977–1988.
— MULLET, E., & MUÑOZ SASTRE, M. T. (2021). Le jugement humain: Une approche empirique. Paris: Complicités.
— MULLET, E., PINEDA MARÍN, C., & NETO, J. (2020). Explorations politico-psychologiques: Volumes I et II. Paris: Complicités.
— MULLET, E., PINTO, M. da C., & NETO, F. (2020). Mapping Brazilian and Portuguese young people’s positions towards highly-paid sex work. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 17, 568–581.
— MULLET, E., & SORUM, P. C. (2022). Health professionals’ and lay people’s positions regarding the use of analgesics in cancer cases. In Rajendram R., Preedy, V. R., Patel, V. B., & Martin, C. (Eds.), Features and Assessments of Pain, Anesthesia, and Analgesia (pp. 305–315). New York: Elsevier.
— MUÑOZ SASTRE, M. T., CASTANIÉ, S., SORUM, P. C., & MULLET, E. (2021). Assessing hospitalized patients’ quality of life from external indices: The perspectives of lay people and health professionals. Quality of Life Research, 30, 2819–2827.
— MUÑOZ SASTRE, M. T., KPANAKE, L., & MULLET, E. (2020). French people’s positions on supervised injection facilities for drug users: A pilot study. Substance Abuse, Treatment, Prevention and Policy, 15, 79. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13011-020-00321-2
— MUÑOZ SASTRE, M. T., & MULLET, E. (2019). Éthique empirique de la sexualité et de la reproduction humaines. Paris: Complicités.
— MUÑOZ SASTRE, M. T., PAJOT, E., KPANAKE, L., SORUM, P. C., & MULLET, E. (2019). Mapping French lay people’s views regarding living organ donation. Transplantation Proceedings, 51, 613–618.
— MUÑOZ SASTRE, M. T., SORUM, P. C., KPANAKE, L., & MULLET, E. (2021). Mapping French people’s positions regarding the allocation of organs for transplantation. Transplantation Proceedings, 53, 520–528.
— MUÑOZ SASTRE, M. T., SORUM, P. C., KPANAKE, L., & MULLET, E. (2022). Judging the possibility of the onset of diabetes mellitus type 2 from reported behavioral changes and from family history. Clinical Diabetes and Endocrinology, in press
— MUÑOZ SASTRE, M. T., SORUM, P. C., & MULLET, E. (2020). Mapping French lay people’s views on nonhuman animal experimentation. Society and Animals 28, 272–290.
— MUÑOZ SASTRE, M. T., SORUM, P. C., & MULLET, E. (2021). French people’s positions regarding same-sex couples’ and singles’ rights to assisted reproductive technology and to adoption. Journal of Child and Family Studies 30, 1381– 1391.
— MUÑOZ SASTRE, M. T., PETITFILS, C., SORUM, P. C., & MULLET, E. (2015). A mapping of the positions of adults in Toulouse, France, regarding induced abortion. European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care, 20, 158–169.
— NACHER, M., MUÑOZ SASTRE, M. T., KPANAKE, L., & MULLET, E. (2020). Mapping French people’s positions regarding the children’s right to know their biological parents’ identity. Journal of Child and Family Studies 29, 1723–1731.
— PINEDA MARÍN, C., FRANCO SIERRA, L., SORUM, P. C., & MULLET, E. (2021). Colombian people’s positions regarding physician-assisted suicide. Clinical Ethics. https://doi.org/10.1177/14777509211040166
— PINEDA MARÍN, C., MUÑOZ SASTRE, M. T., MURCIA, D. A., BERNAL CASTAÑEDA, M., BRICEÑO HERNÁNDEZ, A., & MULLET, E. (2019). Attitudes towards sexuality information for adolescents: What parents should and should not say. Sex Education, 19, 582–596.
— PINEDA MARÍN, C., LÓPEZ, J. L., ESPITIA, M. B., & MULLET, E. (2021). Mapping Colombian people’s positions regarding the acceptability of political amnesties. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 38, 245–259.
— SEQUEIRA NETO, J. M., & MULLET, E. (2016). Perceived legitimacy of executives bonuses in time of global crisis: A mapping of Portuguese people’s views. Journal of Business Ethics, 133, 421–429.
— SEQUEIRA NETO, J. M., & MULLET, E. (2018). Perceived acceptability of organizational layoffs and job alliances during a recession: A mapping of Portuguese people’s views. Journal of Business Ethics, 152, 1149–1157.
— TEODORESCU, D. I., MUÑOZ SASTRE, M. T., KPANAKE, L., SORUM, P. C., & MULLET, E. (2019). Romanian lay people’s and health professionals’ views regarding living organ donation. Transplantation Proceedings, 51, 1644–1650.
— TEODORESCU, D. I., MUÑOZ SASTRE, M. T., KPANAKE, L., SORUM, P. C., & MULLET, E. (2021). People’s positions regarding Social SecurityÕs health insurance programs: The case of Romania. European Review of Applied Psychology, 71, 100716.
— ZOUNON, O., SORUM, P. C., & MULLET, E. (2015). How people in Benin assess a couple’s risk of having a baby with sickle cell disease. Journal of Community Genetics, 6, 77–82.


— DE SÁ TEIXEIRA, N., OLIVEIRA, A. M., & AMORIM, M.-A. (2010). Combined effects of mass and velocity on forward displacement and phenomenological ratings: A functional measurement approach to the momentum metaphor. Psicológica, 31, 659–676.
— DE SÁ TEIXEIRA, N. A., OLIVEIRA, A. M, & SILVA, A. D. (2014). An information integration study on the intuitive physics of the Newton’s cradle. Psicológica, 35, 479–502.
— DE SÁ TEIXEIRA, N. A., OLIVEIRA, A. M., & VIEGAS, R. (2008). Functional approach to the integration of kinematic and dynamic variables in causal perception: Is there a link between phenomenology and behavioral responses? Japanese Psychological Research, 50, 232–241.
— DUARTE SILVA, A., & OLIVEIRA, A. M. (2016). Do faces and body postures integrate similarly for distinct emotions, kinds of emotion and judgment dimensions? Universitas Psychologica, 15(3), 1–21.
— GONÇALVES, J. C., OLIVEIRA, A. M., BATALHA, L. C., FERNANDES, A. M., VIEGAS, R., & SILVA, A. D. (2014). A functional measurement approach to the Children’s Anxiety and Pain Scale-CAPS: Contributions to its construct validity. Psicológica, 35, 653–674.
— OLIVEIRA, A. M. (2019). The notion of information in information integration theory: A few comparative notes or a new plea for tolerance. Universitas Psychologica, in press.
— OLIVEIRA, A. M., BATALHA, L. C., FERNANDES, A. M., GONÇALVES, J., VIEGAS, R. G. (2014). A functional analysis of the Wong-Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale: Linearity, discriminability and amplitude. Revista de Enfermagem Referência, 4, 121–130.
— PEREIRA, T., OLIVEIRA, A., & FONSECA, I. B. (2016). Brain activation follows adding-type integration laws: Brain and rating responses in an integration task with pairs of emotional faces. Universitas Psychologica, 15(3), 1–18.
— VIEGAS, R. G., & OLIVEIRA, A. M. (2016). Comparing adults and adolescents regarding the scope insensitivity of value curves: A functional measurement approach. Universitas Psychologica, 15(3), 1–14.
— VIEGAS, R. G., OLIVEIRA, A M., & GARRIGA-TRILLO, A. (2010). Loss aversion and the locus of nonlinearity in decision under risk: A test between Prospect Theory and SP/A theory with functional measurement. In A. Bastianelli & G. Vidotto (Eds.), Proceedings of the twenty-sixth annual meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics (pp. 345–350). Padua, Italy: International Society for Psychophysics.
— VIEGAS, R. G., OLIVEIRA, A. M., GARRIGA-TRILLO, A., & GRIECO, A. (2012). A functional model for the integration of gains and losses under risk: Implications for the measurement of subjective value. Psicológica, 33, 711–733.


— BAYLESS, S. & SCHLOTTMANN, A. & (2010). Skill-related uncertainty and expected value in 5- and 7-year-olds. Psicológica, 31, 677–687.
— HILL, J., SCHLOTTMANN, A., ELLEFSON, M. R., TABER, K. S., TSE, V. W. S., & YUNG. T. S. W. (2014). Early understanding of intensive properties of matter: Developmental and cultural differences. In Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 2357–2362). Quebec City: Canada.
— MULLET, E., HOFMANS, J. & SCHLOTTMANN, A. (2016). Individual Differences in information integration studies of children’s judgment/decision-making: Combining group with single subject design via cluster analysis. In M. Toplak & J. Weller (Eds.), Individual differences in judgment and decision making from a developmental context (Ch. 10). London: Psychology Press.
— SCHLOTTMANN, A. & (2000). Children’s judgements of gambles: A disordinal violation of additive utility. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 13, 77–89.
— SCHLOTTMANN, A. & (2001). Children’s probability intuitions: Understanding the expected value of complex gambles. Child Development, 72, 103–122.
— SCHLOTTMANN, A. (2018). How children form and update beliefs from an evidence series. Universitas Psychologica, 17(4), 1–21.
— SCHLOTTMANN, A., & ANDERSON, N. H. (2007). Belief learning and revision studied with Information Integration Theory. Teorie & Modelli, 12(1–2), 63–76.
— SCHLOTTMANN, A., HARMAN, R. M. & PAINE, J. (2012). Averaging and adding in children’s worth judgements. Psicológica, 33, 495–513.
— SCHLOTTMANN, A., & TRING, J. (2005). How children reason about gains and losses: Framing effects in judgment and choice. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 64, 153–171.
— SCHLOTTMANN, A. & WILKENING, F. (2012). Judgment and decision making in young children. In M. Dhami, A. Schlottmann & M. Waldmann (Eds.), Judgment and decision-making as a skill: Learning, Development, Evolution (pp. 55–83). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


— VERA CRUZ, G., GUÉDEZ, A. G., & MULLET, E. (2022). Mozambican, French, and Venezuelan adults’ perspectives on Human Rights. Journal of Psychology in Africa, in press.
— VERA CRUZ, G., HUMEAU, A., KPANAKE, L., SORUM, P. C., & MULLET, E. (2020). Infant vaccination against malaria in Mozambique and in Togo: Mapping parents’ willingness to get vaccinated. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 16, 539–547.
— VERA CRUZ, G., HUMEAU, A., MOORE, P. J., & MULLET, E. (2019). Identifying determinants of Mozambican men’s willingness to use a male contraceptive pill. European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care, 24, 266–273.
— VERA CRUZ, G., HUMEAU, & MULLET, E. (2022). Assessing Spaniard men’s willingness and determinants to use a male contraceptive pill. European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care, 27, 107–114.
— VERA CRUZ, G., MATEUS, A., DOMINGOS, L., MULLET, E., & MOORE, P. J. (2020). Assessing Mozambicans’ willingness and determinants to use pre-exposure prophylactic HIV medication. Journal of Health Psychology, 25, 1954–1964.
— VERA CRUZ, G., & MULLET, E. (2019). Empathy and forgiveness among Mozambican wives. International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation, 8, 124–5143.


— CORNELI, E., & VICOVARO, M. (2007). Intuitive cognitive algebra of sliding friction. Teorie & Modelli, 12, 133–142.
— VICOVARO, M. (2012). Intuitive physics of collision effects on simulated spheres differing in size, velocity, and material. Psicológica, 33, 451–471.
— VICOVARO, M. (2014). Intuitive physics of free fall: An information integration approach to the mass-speed belief. Psicológica, 35, 463–477.
— VICOVARO, M. (2021). Cognitive algebra and intuitive physics: A review. European Journal of Applied Psychology, 72, 100610.


— NOVENTA, S., ANSELMI, P., TAGLIABUE, M., & VIDOTTO G. (2014). Functional measurement in consumer evaluation of market products. Psicológica, 35, 527–541.
— VICENTINI, M., & VIDOTTO, G. (2006). Integration of distance, slope and friction in intuitive physics. In D. E. Kornbrot, R. M. Msefti, & A. W. MacRae (Eds.), Proceedings of the twenty-second annual meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics (pp. 303–308). St. Albans, UK: International Society for Psychophysics.
— VIDOTTO, G., NOVENTA, S., MASSIDDA, D., VICENTINI, M. (2017). Parameter estimation for the averaging model of information integration theory. Package ‘rAverage’(https://rdrr.io/cran/rAverage/).


— EBERSBACH, M., & WILKENING, F. (2007). Children’s intuitive mathematics: The development of knowledge about non-linear growth. Child Development, 78, 296–308.
— HUBER, S., KRIST, H., & WILKENING, F. (2003). Judgment and action knowledge in speed adjustment tasks: Experiments in a virtual environment. Developmental Science, 6, 197–210.
— JÄGER, S., & WILKENING, F. (2001). Development of cognitive averaging: When light and light make dark. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 79, 323–345.
— KIENBAUM, J., & WILKENING, F. (2009). Children’s and adolescents’ intuitive judgments about distributive justice: Integrating need, effort, and luck. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 6, 481–498.
— SCHLOTTMANN, A., & WILKENING, F. (2012). Judgment and decision making in young children. In M. K. Dhami, A. Schlottmann, & M. R. Waldmann (Eds.), Judgment and decision making as a skill: Learning, development and evolution (pp. 55–83). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
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